Potash Hill Board, Task Force, & Staff
Potash Hill, Inc., is a subsidiary organization of the Marlboro School of Music, Inc. Both Marlboro Music and Potash Hill are non-profit organizations incorporated in the state of Vermont. The mission of Potash Hill, Inc. is to oversee and protect the Potash Hill campus located in the foothills of rural southeastern Vermont. The Boards of Marlboro Music and Potash Hill formed a 15-member, all-volunteer task force—consisting of experienced Marlboro musicians, trustees, and staff members—to assist them in their strategic planning process to determine productive uses for the campus. For more information on Marlboro Music, visit marlboromusic.org.
In August 2022, Potash Hill announced the hiring of Brian Mooney as Managing Director. View our press release to learn more.
Potash Hill Staff
Brian Mooney, Managing Director
Karen Kloster, Operations Director
Dan Cotter, Director of Plant & Operations
Brian Potter, Communications Director
KP Peterson, Master Electrician
Chris Martel, Maintenance Technician
Charlie Hickman, Operations & Logistics Coordinator
Jacob Rice, Carpenter
Cheryl Morris, Housekeeping
Winslow Tudor, Carpenter
Potash Hill Board of Directors
Anthony Berner, President
Philip Maneval, Treasurer
Patricia Manley, Secretary (non-voting)
Miles Cohen
Margo Drakos
Ellen McCulloch-Lovell
Christopher Serkin
Jacob Smith
Potash Hill Task Force
Anthony Berner
Jonathan Biss
Carol Christ
Miles Cohen
Ara Guzelimian
Hsin-Yun Huang
Robert W. Jones
Joseph Lin
Ellen McCulloch-Lovell
Philip Maneval
Anthony McGill
Luisa Saffiotti
Christopher Serkin
Jacob Smith
Anne-Marie Soullière